Optical Microscope

CarboMat Inc. offers advanced optical microscopy services utilizing a high-resolution microscope equipped with X-polarization and transmission capabilities. Designed for precision imaging and material analysis, this system delivers up to 50x magnification, making it ideal for examining microstructures in metallographic and polymeric materials. With user-friendly controls, ergonomic design, and reliable imaging quality, this microscope is a valuable tool for researchers and quality control professionals.

Testing Process at CarboMat

You can conduct on-site optical microscopy analysis using our high-resolution system Or samples can be submitted with a request form outlining the desired imaging parameters. Our expert technicians will perform the analysis and provide detailed reports based on the microscopic observations.

Sample Submission:

Send your samples along with a request form detailing the purpose of the test and the desired results. Our expert team will conduct the tests and provide comprehensive reports.

For more details or to schedule a test, contact us at labservices@carbomatinc.com.

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